We at Geneva Community Radio deeply regret this development, as we've been carrying RNW programming since our inception. Unfortunately, it's a situation we have no control over as an RNW affiliate.
As you might expect, this will lead to many changes in our program schedule. We have decided to go ahead with the changes immediately, introducing several exciting new programs to our lineup, and time shifting several other shows that are already part of our schedule.
In the next few days, a new schedule will be posted, complete with all the changes. We hope you will find the new programming to be entertaining and informative. As always, your feedback as listeners is very important to us. Let us know what programs you'd like to hear, and when you'd like to hear them. After all, this station belongs to the community. Your opinions matter! E-mail us at genevaradio@yahoo.com with your thoughts and ideas.
Thanks for listening, and for supporting community radio in the central Finger Lakes.
GCR, Geneva Community Radio!