To simplify things, I have decided (for now) to cancel our Friday evening broadcast. There seem to be constant technical issues with getting onto the server for Friday transmissions, and, I also want to ensure that the programmers who currently have shows on that evening can have their shows broadcast reliably every week.
So, I am expanding the Saturday and Sunday trnasmissions to 12 hours each. This means that GCR will now operate from Noon to Midnight Eastern time Saturday and Sunday.
Check the schedule page for up to date program listings.
Thanks to everyone for their understanding.
Fostering the development of independent community radio in Geneva, NY and the surrounding Finger Lakes region.
December 18, 2010
December 4, 2010
November 14, 2010
GCR is Up and Running
Greetings everyone!
Welcome to the newest sound in the Finger Lakes. Geneva Community Radio has been conducting regular broadcasting on November 1st, 2010. Yes, I know this blog post is a bit overdue. But I am happy to say that the GCR schedule has been more or less finalized. You can now tune in every weekend for a wide range of programs. GCR is proud to bring you programming from such well known sources as WAMC/National Productions, United Nations Radio, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, and a host of other independent programmers from around the world.
As time goes on, we will be adding locally produced music and spoken word programs to this lineup. You can have your very own radio show on Geneva Community Radio, and add your coive to the many voices heard on the station. To learn more, just click on the link for the Get Involved page.
Additionally, I want to thank everyone for their encouragement, positive feeback, constructive criticism, and general support of my efforts to bring community radio to this area. Please feel free to contact GCR by e-mail or by phone and voice your support, quesitons, comments, or anything else you'd care to share.
Enjoy the programs, and again, don't hesitate to step up to the plate and add your voice to this station of many voices.
Welcome to the newest sound in the Finger Lakes. Geneva Community Radio has been conducting regular broadcasting on November 1st, 2010. Yes, I know this blog post is a bit overdue. But I am happy to say that the GCR schedule has been more or less finalized. You can now tune in every weekend for a wide range of programs. GCR is proud to bring you programming from such well known sources as WAMC/National Productions, United Nations Radio, Radio Netherlands Worldwide, and a host of other independent programmers from around the world.
As time goes on, we will be adding locally produced music and spoken word programs to this lineup. You can have your very own radio show on Geneva Community Radio, and add your coive to the many voices heard on the station. To learn more, just click on the link for the Get Involved page.
Additionally, I want to thank everyone for their encouragement, positive feeback, constructive criticism, and general support of my efforts to bring community radio to this area. Please feel free to contact GCR by e-mail or by phone and voice your support, quesitons, comments, or anything else you'd care to share.
Enjoy the programs, and again, don't hesitate to step up to the plate and add your voice to this station of many voices.
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